This website is property of UP ROOMS VIC S.A.U., company, domiciled in Passatge Can Mastrot s/n 08500 Vic (Barcelona), CIF A-58969783 telf +34.93.889 25 51 inscribed at Barcelona’s Registry Tomo 11.466, Libro 10.240, Sección 2, Folio48 Hoja nº 131.108.Inscripción 1ª.
The use of this website is subject at the following conditions.
We suggest you read them attentively. The fact to access at this website and use the materials contained implies that you have read and accept expressly, without any reservation, the following conditions.
This website and the app are property of UP ROOMS VIC S.A.U.
1. Conditions of use
1.1 This website contains material prepared by UP ROOMS VIC S.A.U. with informative purposes only. Likewise, this material can be modified, developed or updated without previous notification and at the discretion of UP ROOMS VIC S.A.U.
1.2 The links that contains this website can conduct at the user at other places and websites managed by third parties, on which UP ROOMS VIC S.A.U. does not exercise any type of control. UP ROOMS VIC S.A.U. does not respond neither the content nor the state of these places and websites pages, and the access at this website neither implies that UP ROOMS VIC S.A.U. recommend or approve their content.
2. Limitation of responsibility
2.1 Who utilizes this website, does it for their own account and risk. UP ROOMS VIC S.A.U. does not hold any type of responsible of the errors or omissions of any content of this website or/and others at which can access through this one. UP ROOMS VIC S.A.U will not be responsible for any damage derived of the utilization of this website, or for any performance realized on the base of the information that you facilitate.
2.2 UP ROOMS VIC S.A.U. cannot guarantee the absence of virus or other harmful elements that could cause damages or alterations at the computer system, at the electronic documents or at the files of the user of this website. Consequently, UP ROOMS VIC S.A.U. does not respond for the damages that such elements could cause to the user or to third parties.
3. Protection of data
3.1 The information that gets to UP ROOMS VIC S.A.U. from the users of this website through their reservations and subscription applications at promotional events or by sending curricular forms for any media including e-mail, social network, intranet, SMS, telephone, personal calls, blogs, magazines and/or Apps are treated with the maximum confidentiality with the purpose to attend their requests and send them information on future actions. The information is not used for any different purpose, that expressly have been accepted by the titular of the data.
3.2 The cookies policy of UP ROOMS VIC S.A.U. are informed at a specific section of the same website “Cookies Policy”.
3.3 When personal data is required for the provision of the requested service, we will inform the user of the necessary character of their supply. If you do not facilitate these data, we will not provide the required service.
3.4 The legitimation of the treatment will always be based on the consent of the user, contractual execution or pre-contractual and/or the legitimate interest to inform the customer of our products and services.
3.5 The personal data will be ceded at the Forces of the authority for legal obligation (Law 4/2015) and other legally cases.
3.6 The personal data will be conserved during the contractual relation; the terms demanded to attend the eventual responsibilities finalized the relation with the user and for the commercial data, when the user request to dismiss.
3.7 The user will be able to exercise the access, rectification, suppression and/or portability of their data. Request opposition and/or limitation of their treatment. Through an application directed addressed The application will have to signify the name and surnames of the user, domicile at the effect of notifications, photocopy of the ID or passport and indication of the right that is exercising .Any divergences relation with the data treatment can you contact direct to Spanish Agency of Protection Data (AGPD).
3.8 The user accepts expressly and authorizes UP ROOMS VIC S.A.U. by the Law 1/1982 of 5 of May, of Civil Protection of the Honor Right, Personal and Familiar Intimacy and Own Image that, directly or through third designated at this effect, capture and, later, utilize their personal image, so the company carry out for advertising purposes and as of the services their provides. UP ROOMS VIC S.A.U. will be able to utilize the image at any support, format or media to promote our products and services at external and internal level, and without temporal limitation or territorial limitation. The cession of rights is free.
3.9 The customer guarantees that data are true and accurate and engages to notify any change or modification being the responsible of the loss, damage caused at the website or at any third party for erroneous information, inaccurate or incomplete information.
4. Copyright
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4.2. In particular, but without limiting the obligation of the user expressed at the previous paragraph, are prohibited the reproduction, except for private use, the transformation, distribution, public communication, make available to the public and in general any other form of exploitation, for any procedure, of continuum or part of the contents of this website, as well as of their design and the selection and form of presentation of the materials included. These acts of exploitation only will be able to be realized if we have the previous authorization, expresses and written of UP ROOMS VIC S.A.U and always that it references at the titularity of UP ROOMS VIC S.A.U.
4.3. Unless legally established otherwise, it is also prohibited to decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, sublicense or transmit in any way, translate or make derivative works of computer programs necessary for the operation, access and use of this website and the services contained in it, as well as realize, with continuum or part of such programs, any other acts of exploitation referred at the previous paragraph. The user of the website will have to abstain in any event to suppress, alter, evade or manipulate any protection device or security systems that can be installed here.